
February 27, 2009


Happiness is....

you fill in the blank.

Tonight I will be sorting and untangling this mess. That is of course after my first priority, my family, which brings me baskets full of happiness. (Friday Night Family Night)

Maybe all the untangling and sorting won't get done, maybe it will.
However, what I do know for sure. Time spent WITH my family will always come first and bring the most happiness.

What are you doing tonight?

February 24, 2009

Double Duty

Working with two computer screens now. Thank you hubby.
I wonder if he thinks I'll get twice the work done. I hope not because, as you can see I'm watch The Office on one screen and twittering on the other. shhhhhh don't tell.

February 23, 2009

The hum

I need to hear the hum of my sewing machine and not the clicking of this keyboard and mouse.

Looking for a little sewing inspiration. What are you working on?

February 19, 2009

Want to WIN -- IT's A GIVEAWAY

I am giving THREE of these away over at my other blog. Come on over let me know you want to be entered in to WIN

Here is my other blog. Monkey Giggles

February 18, 2009

I Can Never Have Too Much of This

Photo found on flicker

Freedom and Honesty

Joy and Wonder

Strength and Confidence

Courage and Energy

Tolerance, Insight and Perspective

Peace and Happiness

How about you? Share with us.

February 12, 2009

My escape

Books provide the perfect escape, allowing me to move beyond my daily stresses and find a world distant from my own.

Sometimes it's nice to escape!

How do you escape?

February 10, 2009

Yo-Yo Quilt

I have been working on a lot of BIG projects lately. Looking forward to getting some completed.

This is a very old yo-yo quilt that I fell in love with but needs repair work.

If it could only tell me all the stories it holds.

What are working on?

Hugs from The Queen

February 6, 2009

Slow Down and Enjoy Each Day

Vintage doilies remind me of a simpler time. A time when families would sit and talk while mom would crochet her latest creation for her home or maybe for a loved one.

If interested in purchasing these go here

What reminds you to slow day and enjoy each day?

A simpler time!

February 5, 2009

Feel like a millon bucks

Sometimes I get so caught up in the day-to-day minutiae of my life, I forget to come up for air, to take a deep breath, and to appreciate the sunrise and sunset.

Yesterday, I set out to have fun! Sing, dance, paint, and laugh. I was refreshed and renewed and ultimately I was more productive.

Do something fun today! read a funny kid's book just to yourself, laugh until you cry, slide down a slide, play in the snow, jump around and be silly.

Whatever you choose to do, remember to have fun today ---to smile, to laugh, to touch someone else's life in a positive way.

February 2, 2009

Things I Aspire To Do Today

1. Sing out loud

2. Read a poem

3. Paint a picture

4. Dance -- be silly with kids and husband

Finding pleasure in the simple things. What are you doing today?