
January 29, 2010

Project Impact

A group of women, men and children sewed, ironed, tied quilts, and prepared food for 3 full days for the Haitian children.

Each person brought their gifts and talents to the project. It was amazing to watch this group work together like a fine oiled machine. All were an important part in order for it to be such a success.

We made 70 diapers and 101 quilts
plus there were 8 completed quilts donated.

January 21, 2010

Artful Thursdays

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Artful Thursdays

Julie over at The Adventures of Blue Girl xoxo Artful Thursdays. I must be honest, not much 'Art" was made this week. I have been working on the "Haiti Project Impact" most of the week. Today begins the two day Sewing Marathon. A group women and I are getting together to sew non- stop for the next 2 days sewing together pin less diapers and quilts. (I'm pretty sure we will stop when we drop over from exhaustion or our sewing machine are smokin) Stay tuned, I will post picutes.

January 20, 2010

Help for Haiti

I’m linking up with Money Saving Mom who has agreed to donate $10 for every person who blogs about what their family is doing to support Haiti and then links to her site.

January 18, 2010

Lending A Hand

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

~Mark Twain~

Project Impact

we are making pin-less diapers and youth quilts for the orphan children in Haiti. I felt burden to do something but yet didn't know what to do for the people of Haiti.

I am choosing to do what I CAN do. I can use my gifts to touch another soul with something as simple as a quilt or cloth diaper.

January 16, 2010

God of this City - Chris Tomlin

Pray with me! Pray for Haiti

I sit here feeling hopeless, wondering like most of you, WHAT CAN I DO?

January 13, 2010

On A Cold Winters Night

I made a pair of frou-frou slippers out of scraps laying around the studio. They are kinda funny looking but they sure are warm. I bet ya no one else has a pair like em'

You can do it!

Success is dependent on Effort ~ sophocles ~

January 11, 2010

Thinking Out Loud

While sifting through the marbles rolling around in my head, I had a thought or maybe a revelation. We have an ABUNDANCE of stuff! We have been blessed.

We have stuff to keep, stuff to gift, stuff to sell and as a light bulb went on, stuff to giveaway.
So, the thought is how do I be a blessing to someone else who may need "stuff" but can't afford it.

Certainly there are people/families that need hats, gloves, clothes, toys or maybe some decorating item to brighten their day.

This thought may seen simple, but is actually more complex then you would imagine.
One has to consider scams, fraud, shipping and a host of things not thought of.

So, I am hoping "you" the readers might have some ideas on how to realize such an activity,
considering the concerns mentioned above.

That is my "thinking out loud" thought for today!

I look forward to your insight and ideas.

Sunday Project

My King bought this book for me - Last-minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson, just because.

I sat down Sunday and made this cute little pin cushion. Super easy and quick to make.

What are you making today?

January 9, 2010


For my first "Art Journal" page I suppose I am satisfied with the results. One down 51 to go.

January 8, 2010

Fingerprint Friday

Hosted by The Rusted Chain

There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says:
I can see the fingerprints of god
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of god
And I know its true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of god

So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them? Here's how to join in.

January 6, 2010


RISK - 2010 is the year I am going to take more risks! Both in my personal and business life. I am going to step out in faith and take the risk I know I need to in order to be the person I was created to be.